New Jersey Beagles beagle meet notification list

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If you would like to be part of our future beagle meets and share in all the fun, please subscribe to our newsletter and we will be glad to notify you via email.
Thank you,
Terry Stern
.....Our next beagle meet.....
Our Beagle meet will be held at the Wantage Dog Park in Wantage, New Jersey.
We're kind of on hold these days because of covid.  Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when we set a date.

Our beagle meets are a great opportunity for our beagle owners and members of the NJB face book group to meet and socialize. To catch up with old friends, and even make new ones.

The dogs love this dog park because there is so much free open space to run, play, and just let loose. AND, it never seems to fail, every beagle meet one of the dogs initiates “The Chase!” This usually stops EVERYONE in their tracks, as they can’t help but watch with amazement as the long string of beagles chase the lead runner all around the park howling and barking in the true hound spirit..

Humans are free, but there is a $5.00 charge “per dog” to enter the park. The money collected will be donated to the Wantage Dog Park. The park is run strictly on donations so before you enter the park please see Cory or myself at which time you will receive your name tag and your $5 per dog fee will be collected.

We do have permission to have a tail gate party in the parking lot, so bring yourself something to eat, a drink, and a lawn chair so you can relax.

Obviously no food or drinks is permitted in the park. There is a bathroom, water for the dogs, and even chairs scattered around inside the park when you need to take a load off your feet..

I will once again be doing my paper towel donation. Thank you in advance to anyone who is kind enough to donate paper towels. I can’t tell you how much it is appreciated. I go through tons of paper towels each year cleaning after the puppies, and the kennel. All donated paper towels can be thrown into the back of my car, which will hopefully be parked where we’re tailgating. Once again, Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll also be collecting any Purina weight circles you may have saved for me.

Thanks everyone.... I look forward to see you...

Terry Stern
New Jersey Beagles At Breezy Point

128 County Road 628
Wantage, NJ 07461





































































































































































































































































































































































Jun 2, 2016
Sep 27, 2015
A dog park meet up for all beagle owners and their dog/s
Mar 25, 2015
Sep 21, 2014
Apr 1, 2013
Aug 24, 2012